Prospective students

General Messages to Prospective Students

I am always looking for highly motivated Master and Ph.D. students to do cutting edge research on computer vision, machine learning, signal & image processing and various mathematical applications in engineering problems. Previous experience in image processing and analysis, computer vision and pure mathematics is highly recommended. Experience in programming (e.g. Matlab, OpenCV and C++) is a plus.

My research areas include wavelets analysis and its applications, pattern recognition, signal &                            image processing, computer vision and machine learning, with specific interests in non-separable                            wavelets design & applications, feature extraction and representations, biomedical image segmentation, visual                            tracking and texture representation & analysis

If you are a Undergraduate/Graduate Student in HUST interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

I am particularly interested in Master and Ph.D. students with interest in computer vision,                            machine learning and various mathematical applications in engineering. If you feel comfortable                            with at least two of the above fields, please feel free to contact with me. I strongly recommend                            that you take courses such as "wavelets analysis and its applications", "introduction to data                            mining" with me before I consider you to be my Ph.D. student.

If you are an undergraduate student who is interested in joining my group during graduate study                            or studying abroad, please also feel free to contact with me.                            I always have plenty of research projects waiting for you.

If you are a Undergraduate/Graduate Student outside of HUST

Please make sure that you read up on my research first. If you simply send me a generic form                            e-mail, your response may be delayed. I will be much more interested to read your CV and                            previous research/working experience if you show more than a casual interest in my                            research.

Please do not call my phone if you do not hear from me through email. Since my time is limited, I                            am unable to handle applications through phone. Thank you for your cooperation and                            understanding. Good luck for your application and future career.

Finally, please also note that the graduate program in the School of Electronics and Information                        Engineering at HUST is highly competitive, thus no matter what hardship you are facing, be                        optimistic and keep working toward your goal.

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